Tired of wasted time on pre-consultations and ghosted appointments?

Meet Lace, your AI-powered legal assistant. Lace handles your entire pre-consultation process, interacting with clients, collecting documents, booking appointments, and sending follow-ups. Reclaim your time, boost show rates, and gain peace of mind. Get Lace today and transform your practice!

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Save precious time by avoiding unproductive consultations

With seamless automated scheduling, effortless document management, and streamlined client communications, Lace enhances your efficiency and allows you to focus on what truly matters—cultivating strong client relationships and propelling your practice forward.

Automated Scheduling

Effortlessly have consultations booked by Lace, saving you time and eliminating no-shows.

Document Management

Effortlessly collect and securely manage client documents, ensuring that all information is organized and accessible before consultations.

Immediate Assistance

Provide instant, around-the-clock assistance and stay up-to-date with all conversations, all without sacrificing your time.


With continuous vulnerability monitoring and compliance with SOC 2 and PCI standards, your data is always protected, ensuring that only you and your clients can access sensitive information.


Monitor client engagement and Lace's performance with real-time analytics.

No-Code Solution

Easy to implement on your website—no coding required!

Happy Users

See what our clients have to say about Lace

I was skeptical at first, but Lace continues to prove itself! I'd highly recommend.
Olivia Martinez
Lace has cut my pre-consultation time in half! I've gained two more clients every week, and I highly recommend it to any lawyer looking to boost efficiency!
Serge Bahati
I'm saving hours each week! I can easily handle an extra client or two. I would definitely recommend it.
David Johnson
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